Screens 'N' Suds 2018!

I'm very excited to be involved with the 9th annual Screens 'N' Suds beer and art festival taking place at Studio Two Three in Richmond, VA on Saturday, March 3, 2018. This will be my second SNS, my first being Chicago last year.
The primary purpose of Screens 'N' Suds is to raise money for the National MS Society, as well as numerous other charitable causes. To date, Screens 'N' Suds events have generated over $220,000 in donations.
The event will run from noon until 6pm on March 3rd, and will open to the general public at 2pm (VIP entry starts at noon). Tickets are now available! They include unlimited beer samplings from some great craft breweries, as well as a commemorative glass.
Below you will find my contribution to the event. "Salut" diptychs will be sold in matching numbered sets in an edition of 50. All of the proceeds from my sales at the event will be donated to the cause.
I hope to see you there!